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Below you will find details of local and national services to support victims, including children and perpetrators of domestic abuse.

In an emergency call 999

Stop Domestic Abuse

03300 165 112

Hampton Trust (service for perpetrator interventions)

02380 009898

Hampshire Children’s Services

0300 555 1384


National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000247

Karma Nirvana (for ‘Honour’ based abuse): 0800 5999 247

Men’s Advice Line: 0808 8010327

ManKind Initiative: 01823 334244

Galop (National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse helpline): 0800 9995428

Respect National Helpline (perpetrator help): 0808 8024040

SignHealth (providing domestic abuse service support for deaf people in British Sign Language (BSL):

Stay Safe East (specialist and holistic advocacy and support services to disabled victims and survivors of abuse)