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Psychological/ emotional

including anxiety, chronic depression or post-traumatic stress disorder.

Some examples of psychological abuse are:

  • Gaslighting – manipulating you into doubting your own sanity or reality.
  • Moving things around the house, or removing them and returning them later, then denying it.
  • Denying that you or they said things.
  • Telling you that people have said things about you, or that your friends don’t like you.
  • Telling you that you have a mental health condition when you haven’t.
  • Making derogatory jokes about you to others in front of you.
  • Name calling, telling you you are useless, stupid, worthless and mad.
  • Questioning you endlessly about everything you do or say.

Emotional abuse includes threats, insults, humiliation, intimidation, isolation or stalking.

Some examples of emotional abuse are:

  • Calling you names and putting you down.
  • Yelling and screaming at you.
  • Intentionally embarrassing you in public.
  • Preventing you from seeing or talking with friends and family.
  • Telling you what to do and wear.
  • Damaging your property when they’re angry (throwing objects, punching walls, kicking doors, etc.)
  • Blaming your actions for their abusive or unhealthy behaviour.
  • Threatening to commit suicide to keep you from breaking up with them.
  • Threatening to harm you, your pet or people you care about.
  • Making you feel guilty or immature when you don’t consent to sexual activity.
  • Threatening to have your children taken away