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Physical/ sexual

Physical abuse is any violence or intentional and unwanted contact with your body.

Some examples of physical abuse are:

  • Scratching, punching, biting, strangling or kicking.
  • Throwing something at you such as a phone, book, shoe or plate.
  • Pulling your hair.
  • Pushing or pulling you.
  • Grabbing your clothing.
  • Grabbing you to prevent you from leaving or to force you to go somewhere.

Sexual abuse refers to any action that pressures you to do something sexually you don’t want to do.

Some examples of sexual abuse are:

  • Unwanted kissing or touching.
  • Unwanted rough or violent sexual activity.
  • Rape or attempted rape.
  • Refusing to use condoms or restricting your access to birth control.
  • Threatening you into unwanted sexual activity.
  • Pressuring or forcing you to have sex or perform sexual acts.
  • Using sexual insults toward you.