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Looking back and looking forward

Looking back

2023/24 has been a productive and impactful year for the multi-agency safeguarding arrangements. We will continue to focus on strengthening safeguarding practice to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. Key highlights for us, as delegated safeguarding partners, are:

The multi-agency assurance programme in place for the partnership. Driving necessary improvements and strengthening the effective practice in place.

The collaborative safeguarding practice development  offer of the partnership with a focus on access to resources promoting learning as it is needed. In addition to a range of webinars/events available throughout the year, including evenings.

Our partnership culture with a focus on high support and high challenge, respectful curiosity and collaboration. We know culture doesn’t just happen and we work hard to maintain this through times of organisational change.

Our partnership is strong and mature and based on a firm commitment to continuous improvement. We understand the passion and commitment of our multi-agency children’s workforce and see examples of the difference made to children and families every day. Collectively, we look forward to the coming year, recognising the challenges post COVID-19 and the cost of living crisis have not gone away for our children and families or our services. We remain determined to do the right things for children and always do better.

Hampshire County Council

Stuart Ashley  

Director of Children’s Services

Steph How 

Deputy Director, Children and Families

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary

Amanda Horsburgh  

Superintendent (until June 2023)  

Karen McManus  

Head of Public Protection

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board

Katherine Elsmore  

Associate Director of Safeguarding (until Nov 23)  

Julie Hulls 

Senior Designated Nurse for Safeguarding Children and Looked After Children/Interim Associate Director of Safeguarding, Children and Looked After Children  

Looking forward

This presentation provides an overview of our agreed strategic priorities for 2024/26.

Strategic Priorities 2024/26 Transcript